
Published: 3 February, 2024


Explore the top gaming experiences of the year, featuring a unique mix of survival and RPG adventures, epic quests in vast open worlds, and immersive journeys across fantasy realms. From battling ancient dragons to uncovering the secrets of a magical fog, each game offers a distinctive blend of mechanics and storytelling. Dive into worlds where exploration and discovery reign supreme, face formidable foes with strategic combat, and engage in deep character customization. This overview spotlights the standout titles of the year, providing insights for gamers searching for their next captivating adventure.


Enshrouded emerges as a distinctive blend of survival and RPG elements, presenting a fresh perspective on the genre. The premise, enveloped in magic and a perilous fog, sets the stage for an exploration-driven experience. This game, which has drawn comparisons to Valheim, offers a unique take on the survival genre, emphasizing player freedom and exploration over a conventional narrative.

Upon awakening as a Flameborn, players navigate through treacherous mists and combat, showcasing a combat system that, while not revolutionary, is executed with precision uncommon in survival games, especially for an early access title. The introduction of a vast open world beckons for exploration, enhanced by effective lighting and atmospheric music, promising an immersive journey.

The game diverges from hardcore survival mechanics, omitting the need for food and water, and simplifies tool and weapon maintenance. This simplification benefits the RPG adventure, allowing for uninterrupted exploration. The skill tree offers a broad range of abilities, encouraging players to customize their build, further enriching the gameplay experience. ENSHROUDED Enshrouded's world, crafted with voxels, introduces a dynamic environment where destruction and construction play a key role. This voxel-based approach not only impacts combat and exploration but also elevates the building system, enabling intricate customization of player bases.

The game's RPG elements are deeply integrated into its survival mechanics, with a focus on exploration and discovery. The absence of traditional quest markers and the reliance on environmental cues and NPC interactions foster a more organic exploration experience. The skill system is expansive, allowing for significant customization and progression, ensuring that exploration and combat remain engaging.

Enshrouded offers a compelling blend of genres, with its emphasis on exploration and customization standing out. The voxel-based world, combined with a refined combat system and expansive skill tree, presents a rich and engaging experience. As it stands, even in early access, Enshrouded demonstrates a level of polish and depth that promises further enhancements and expansions. With its unique approach to survival and RPG elements, Enshrouded is a noteworthy addition to the genre, offering a rewarding experience for both survival and RPG enthusiasts.

Number 6 Dragon's Dogma 2

In Dragon's Dogma 2, players are thrust into a vast open world that evolves the original's formula with a natural exploration system devoid of quest boards and explicit markers, fostering organic discovery akin to Elden Ring and Zelda. This shift emphasizes reliance on Pawns and NPCs for guidance, enriching the adventure through spontaneous, dangerous encounters beyond city walls. The game's quest system encourages players to engage deeply with the environment, making each journey unpredictable.

Character creation and Pawn customization offer depth, enhancing the personal connection to the game's world. The absence of quest boards and reliance on dynamic NPC interactions for side quests contribute to a more immersive experience. Combat and vocation systems have been refined, with a focus on strategic gameplay. The world's scale is impressive, demanding players to consider travel methods carefully due to the limited fast travel options, adding a layer of strategic planning to exploration. Dragon's Dogma 2 Health restoration mechanics introduce meaningful survival elements, balancing risk with reward during exploration. Despite the vast world, engagement remains high due to well-paced encounters and the compelling need to navigate the terrain thoughtfully. Dragon's Dogma 2 excels in creating a game world that feels alive and reactive, presenting a blend of exploration, combat, and strategic planning that stands out in the action-RPG genre.


Monster Hunter: World marks a grand return to Sony and Microsoft platforms, offering a larger, more visually appealing experience tailored for both veterans and newcomers. Set in the uncharted territories of the New World, players are part of the fifth fleet, embarking on an expedition to study the land's rich ecosystem and confront the elder dragon Zorah Magdaros. The narrative, while not the game's strongest suit, serves as a backdrop to the real draw: the hunting experience.

The game excels in its gameplay mechanics, presenting a living, breathing world filled with diverse flora and fauna. Each monster provides a unique challenge, demanding players to track, study, and exploit weaknesses to succeed in hunts. The satisfaction of downing a formidable beast is matched by the depth of the crafting system, where materials gathered from fallen monsters are used to upgrade and craft new equipment, essential for tackling tougher foes. MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD Multiplayer enhances the hunting experience, allowing for cooperative hunts that adjust monster difficulty to keep challenges engaging for groups. Despite occasional framerate dips on standard consoles, the game's visual splendor and detailed environments maintain immersion. Monster Hunter: World is a comprehensive package, offering endless hours of hunting thrills in a meticulously crafted world, proving to be an essential title for those driven by the pursuit of mastery and exploration.

Number 4 Baldur's Gate III

Baldur's Gate III, a colossal fantasy RPG, initially gives the impression of dipping a toe into an inviting pool. The early access experience, spanning dozens of hours, suggests a promising journey through the Sword Coast, filled with diverse companions and formidable foes. This game diverges from RPG clichés, presenting choices without clear moral binaries, enriching the narrative complexity.

As the adventure unfolds, players find themselves at the heart of dilemmas with no easy answers, crafting a personalized story from the multitude of paths available. The game boasts over 17,000 endings, a testament to its depth and player agency. Exploration and combat evolve with the story, maintaining engagement through tactical battles that require strategic thinking and adaptability.

Baldur's Gate III Character interactions are pivotal, with companions offering insights and judgments on the player's decisions. This dynamic fosters a rich, character-driven experience, enhancing the game's immersive quality. Despite minor bugs and occasional narrative incongruities, Baldur's Gate III excels in storytelling, character development, and gameplay innovation.

The city of Baldur's Gate presents a narrative and decision-making zenith, albeit overwhelming at times with its multitude of quests and choices. This complexity, while daunting, underscores the game's ambitious scope and depth. Baldur's Gate III is a significant entry in the RPG genre, promising a memorable adventure that challenges players to shape their destiny in a richly crafted world.

Number 3 Palword

When Palworld's first trailer was released, it left many shaking their heads. It appeared as another Pokémon series clone but with pocket monsters armed with firearms. Now in early access, the game has stirred the internet, quickly becoming the fifth most-played game on Steam, surpassing titles like Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring, with an impressive five million sales in a few days.

The game begins traditionally, with character customization and basic survival tasks. However, it quickly diverges as you capture your first creature, or Pal, and start building your base. Unlike typical survival games, Pals actively participate in base management, each with unique roles such as farming, gathering, and more, creating an autonomous hub for rest and task management.

Palword Combat involves elemental strengths and weaknesses, but Pals also contribute to base functionality, like powering generators or operating machinery. The game encourages hunting for the ideal team of Pals, enhancing both combat and base operations.

Exploration is reminiscent of titles like Zelda, with climbable terrains and gliding. Randomly appearing dungeons offer unique Pals and challenges, adding depth to the adventure. Despite its early access status, Palworld presents a complex and engaging experience, with a vast map filled with diverse biomes and over a hundred Pals to capture.

Technical performance is stable, with minor pathfinding issues being the most notable bugs. Palworld supports solo and multiplayer modes, offering a rich experience regardless of playstyle. The game's depth and the integration of Pals into every aspect make it a compelling title for fans of survival, monster collection, or adventure games, promising hours of engaging gameplay.

Number 2 Elder ring

Elden Ring, developed by FromSoftware, introduces a vast open-world experience unlike any of its predecessors. The game's world, known as the Lands Between, is immense, offering a variety of landscapes from dense forests to sprawling cities. Players can explore this world on horseback, a new addition that enhances the exploration aspect significantly. The game also integrates a jumping mechanic, allowing access to previously unreachable areas.

The narrative, co-created by a renowned writer, while not fully unveiled, promises complexity and depth, encouraging players to delve into the lore. The combat system remains precise, with horseback combat adding a new layer of strategy. Elden Ring's technical performance on PS5 allows players to switch between 4K resolution and 60 fps, ensuring smooth gameplay. Last Epoch

The game incorporates both familiar and new elements, offering a fresh experience with innovative mechanics such as the madness status effect and unique enemy vulnerabilities. Despite its vast scale, certain areas could benefit from more distinct layouts to avoid repetition. Additionally, the game introduces an extensive array of weapons and spells, supporting diverse playstyles.

Elden Ring challenges players with its difficulty, particularly in the latter half, where boss battles demand significant skill and strategy. However, it offers tools like summonable NPC spirits to aid in these encounters. While the open-world format can occasionally feel overwhelming due to its size and the abundance of quests, Elden Ring's detailed world and engaging gameplay set a new benchmark for the genre.

Number 1 Last Epoch

Last Epoch merges classic ARPG elements with innovative mechanics, set in a world where time travel forms the basis of its narrative. The game, still in early access, is developed by Eleventh Hour Games and distinguishes itself with a complex class system featuring 12 available classes, with three more in development. Each class can evolve into one of three subclasses, promising diverse gameplay experiences.

The game's beginning may feel slow, but it rewards players who persist with a richly satisfying ARPG experience. Players can tailor their characters using a versatile crafting system, enhancing the traditional loot grind with a more strategic approach to building the ultimate character. The abundance of loot necessitates the use of customizable loot filters, a feature that becomes indispensable as players progress.

Last Epoch While Last Epoch's story, centered around time travel, adds an intriguing layer to the gameplay, it's still unfolding and lacks the depth of fully developed narratives in the genre. However, the game compensates with challenging and enjoyable endgame content, particularly through the Monoliths of Fate. These endgame scenarios offer players the opportunity to navigate through increasingly difficult maps, each with unique affixes that challenge even the most seasoned players.

Graphically, Last Epoch may not compete with AAA titles in the genre, reflecting its indie roots. Yet, its gameplay systems, particularly in character development and endgame content, show a depth that rivals its more visually polished counterparts. The recent addition of multiplayer expands its appeal, offering cooperative gameplay for up to four players.

As Last Epoch progresses towards its full release, its blend of traditional and innovative ARPG mechanics, combined with an active engagement with its player base, positions it as a game with significant potential. While it may still need polishing in terms of visuals and story development, its core gameplay offers a compelling experience for fans of the genre, promising a game that stands out for its gameplay depth and character customization options.